Page last updated on: June 8, 2005

on tour...
October - December 2004
October 1 Pforzheim, Germany - private concert to celebrate the 100th Anniverary of Chopard jewellers and watchmakers. The head of Chopard, Karl Scheufele (shown here presenting Carreras with a special watch to mark the occasion), has been a long time supporter of the José Carreras International Leukemia Foundation.
Photo from Pforzheimer Zeitung 02.10.2004
October 19 Guayquil, Ecuador - Carreras is made a Guest of the City of Guyaquil in a ceremony at the City Hall at the start of a concert tour in Ecudaor.
Photo by Ángel Aguirre, El Universo, 20.10.2004
October 20 Guayquil, Ecuador - concert in the Teatro del Centro de Arte with David Giménez conducting the Orquesta Sinfónica de Guayaquil. "Carreras captivates, roses and applause for the tenor" was the headline in El Universo. The concert was also shown on a big screen (right) outside the theatre.
Photo by José Alvarado, El Universo, 22.10.2004
October 23 Quito, Ecuador - concert in the Teatro Sucre with David Giménez conducting. As in Guayaquil, the concert was simultaneously shown on big screens in the plazas outside the theatre. "The ovations were incredible. Each time the Spaniard entered or left the stage, the audience rose from its seats and applauded wildly," wrote the critic in El Comercio.
Photo of Carreras during the Quito concert from La Hora, 25.10.2004
November 5 Frankfurt, Germany -  press conference for the upcoming 10th Anniversary Carreras Gala in Leipzig. In the photo (right) José Carreras with Joey Kelly and Holger Schipper who will be running in the '100 Stunden für Carreras' fundraising marathon for the Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung. The team will run from Bochum to Leipzig (over 600 kilometres), starting on 13 December and arriving in Leipzig during the Gala on December 16th.
Photo  credit: Susanne Schuebel/JBH
November 6 Frankfurt, Germany -  concert with pianist Lorenzo Bavaj during the Sports Press Ball. The Associated Press wrote: "The star guest was not from the world of pop, but instead an outstanding representative of classical music. With world class tenor Jose Carreras, the experiment was a complete and resounding success. He sang not popular songs, but rather, very romantic, beautiful, songs and cast everyone under his spell."  There was, however, a dissenting voice from boxer Sven Ottke quoted in the Frankfurter Neue Presse: "He sings beautifully, but, after all, it isn't a funeral"
Photo of  Carreras in performance from Deutschen SportpresseBall
November 16 Barcelona, Spain - addresses the first annual Premio Esteve. The meeting was attended by over 1800 doctors and healthcare professionals.
Photo courtesy of La Fundación Internacional Josep Carreras
November 19 Vila-Seca, Spain - attends the charity recital  given by friend and colleague, Jaume Aragall, in the Auditorio Josep Carreras.  The recital raised funds for the work of Carreras' Foundation. In the photo, Carreras and Aragall (centre) drink a toast after the performance.
Photo courtesy of La Fundación Internacional Josep Carreras
December 5  Happy Birthday Maestro Carreras!
December 7 London, UK - Christmas concert with the Vienna Boys' Choir in the Royal Albert Hall, David Giménez conducting.
December 8 London, UK - attends the Chopard "Winter Wonderland" Party at their Bond Street store. In the photo from left to right are Carreras, Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele, Elton John and David Furnish.
Photo by Getty Images for Chopard
December 12 Coruña, Spain - Recital with pianist Lorenzo Bavaj in the Palacio de la Ópera.
Performance photo by Xosé Castro, La Voz de Galicia, 13.12.2004
December 13 Bochum, Germany - starts the runners off on the '100 Stunden für Carreras' fundraising marathon for the Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung. Later in the day he attended the rehearsals for the Starlight Express Charity Gala which raised 50,000 euros to aid the fight against leukemia
Photo  from 100 Stunden für Carreras
December 16 Leipzig, Germany - The annual José Carreras Gala (this year celebrating its 10th anniversary) raises over $8,000,000 for leukemia patients and research to conquer the disease. During the Gala, Carreras received Germany's Cross of the Federal Order of Merit, one of the country's highest honours.
Photo of Carreras wearing the Cross - Deutsche Presse-Agentur
December 17 Bucharest, Romania - Doctor Honoris Causa conferred by the Universitatii Nationale de Muzica.
Photo of Carreras receiving his degree from Nineoclock
December 19 Bucharest, Romania - concert in the Ateneul Roman with soprano Alexandra Coman and the Bucharest Philharmonic Orchestra, David Giménez conducting.
Concert photo by Romania Libera
December 31 Beijing, China  - New Year's Eve concert with soprano Victoria Loukianetz, violinist Vadim Repin, pianist Yin Chengzong, and tenor Dai Yuqiang. The photo right shows Carreras at the pre-concert press conference in Beijing.
The 'On Tour' pages provide a brief pictorial sketch of José Carreras' activities during a given time period. To view the pages for other time periods, see the On Tour Index

Photo Specials remain on the site for a limited period and are not archived once they finish.